When’s the last time you celebrated you?

Question: When’s the last time you celebrated you? I’m not just talking about waiting for a birthday or major milestone. I mean those small wins that make up your everyday. If you can’t remember, or if it’s something you struggle with, then this is for you!

I get it. Completely.

Life gets busy, and between balancing work, family, and endless to-do lists, celebrating you might seem like the last thing on your mind. With so much going on and constantly pouring into other people, it can be easy or overwhelming to think about yourself. But here’s the truth: celebrating yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. It’s how we refill our emotional cups, remind ourselves of our worth, and take a moment to acknowledge the beautiful journey we’re on.

How I learned to celebrate myself.

For me, I just have learned to incorporate small celebration into my everyday. From self-care to just writing down small wins and affirmations in my planner (I share a lot about this on youtube).

When it comes to bigger goals, I reward myself first. A few months back I decided to gift myself a photos album—not for a special event, but just for me. I filled it with my favorite photos from over the years—moments that remind me of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve grown. It was a such a simple thing, but it felt incredibly empowering. That album now sits on my coffee table, a reminder that I am worth celebrating every single day.

Celebrating yourself with a photo album of your favorite photos

Another way I celebrate myself? After every photoshoot, I take myself out to grab a margarita… alone! It’s my way of recognizing the work I’ve done, the clients I’ve helped, and the passion I’ve poured into my craft. It might seem small, but these moments of self-reflection and joy are what keep me going.

I had to learn to stop waiting for others to celebrate me.

Here’s a truth many of us have learned the hard way: if you’re constantly waiting for someone else to celebrate you, you’ll often end up disappointed. You might not get that pat on the back at work, or that friend might forget to acknowledge your big win.

And that’s ok. Does that make your achievement any less amazing. Absolutely not.

The problem with relying on others to validate or celebrate you is that it gives them control over your happiness. But what if you flipped the script and made celebrating yourself your primary way of honoring your accomplishments? Imagine shifting your mindset so that anything else someone does for you is just a bonus—extra icing on the cake. (Hmmm… cake sounds good actually. Adds that to my weekend wishlist 😂)

This isn’t about rejecting external validation—it’s wonderful when others see your greatness and acknowledge it—but it’s about not depending on it. When you make a habit to celebrate yourself, you reclaim the power over your joy and fulfillment. You’re telling yourself: “I see my worth, and I don’t need to wait for anyone else to recognize it first.”

This is your problem…

I know you’re reading this thinking, “But I don’t have time” or “it feels awkward to go out alone.” You’re not alone. Many of us are conditioned to believe that celebrating ourselves is frivolous or self-indulgent, but nothing could be further from the truth. Here are three common pain points I hear, and some ways you can start shifting your mindset:

  1. “I don’t deserve it.”
    This one is the biggest barriers to celebrating yourself. Whether it’s imposer syndrome or feeling like you haven’t “earned” the right to celebrate, it’s easy to push those moments aside. But listen friend, every step forward—no matter how small—is worth recognizing. Whether you finally took that tough call, hit a personal goal, or simply made it through a challenging day, you deserve it.
    Solution: Start small. It can be as simple as lighting your favorite candle after a productive day, or grabbing your favorite dessert “just beacuse.” These little acts of kindness to yourself start building the habit of self-celebration.
  2. “I don’t have time.”
    Time is a precious resource, I get it. We all need more of it. But celebrating yourself doesn’t need to be a grand event that takes hours out of your day or forever to plan. It can be woven into the small quiet moments.
    Solution: Try adding self-celebration rituals into existing habits. Maybe every morning, while you drink your coffee, you take a moment to write down something you’re proud off. Or after a long workday, unwind with a solo movie night—popcorn, wine, and all.
  3. “It feels selfish.”
    Many of us feel guilty for taking time to focus on ourselves, especially when there are other responsibilities demanding our attention. But let me ask you this: how can you pour from an empty cup? You need those moments of self-appreciation to stay fulfilled and energized for everything else in life.
    Solution: Reframe your thinking. Celebrating yourself isn’t about ignoring others—it’s about refueling so you can show up for those you care about even better. Treat yourself with the same kindness and encouragement you’d offer a friend.

3 ways you can start celebrating yourself today

If you’re ready to shift your mindset and start celebrating yourself more, here are three ways (+ a bonus) you can get started.

  1. Create a “You” Album
    Just like I did, gather your favorite photos of you. These can be from vacations, achievements, or even candid moments that make you smile. Print them, and put them in an album where you can easily flip through whenever you need a reminder of your growth and joy.
  2. Set Regular Solo Dates
    Start scheduling time to do something just for you. Whether it’s going to your favorite coffee shop, treating yourself to a spa, or simply going for a peaceful walk, make it a priority. You’ll be surprised at how these little moments of self-love can change your outlook.
  3. Acknowledge the Little Wins
    Don’t wait for major milestones to celebrate yourself. Did you get through a tough meeting? Finally finish that project? Take a moment to reflect on the little wins and give yourself some credit. But yourself flowers or enjoy a quiet moment with your favorite book—whatever makes you feel good.
  4. Bonus: Schedule a Photoshoot Just for You
    Booking a personal photoshoot is an incredible way to capture your current season of life—whether it’s to celebrate a milestone, or simply the beautiful person you are today. It’s not just about the photos; it’s about taking the time to see yourself through a new lens and owning your confidence.

You’re worth celebrating.

At the end of the day, celebrating yourself is about more than just indulgence. It’s about self-respect, self-love, and recognizing that you are deserving of joy—not just in the big moments but in the everyday ones too. So, ask yourself again: When’s the last time you celebrated you?

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