Branding Content for Catch One Academy

Last week, I was telling you guys how excited I was that Catch One Academy had launched and I'm still in awe with how amazing the site is. Like, it's honestly one of my favorite sites at the moment. 

This past weekend, I drove up to Charlotte, NC to capture some branding photos and film for Brandon over at Catch One. The drive was exhausting but once we started shooting all of that quickly faded because... well, you have no other choice but to get some energy dealing with these kids. They definitely keep you on your toes. 

We met in South Charlotte for our session together and I was able to see the kids in action and capture some of their training both in photo and film. Brandon wanted a short promo video, so I had to deliver and when I tell you I'm amazed at how great it came out! Check it out below.

There are literally no words that I could form together to describe how amazing the kids are over at Catch One. They're really genuine kids who have a true passion for football and being the greatest players they know how. Coach Thompson is raising them up right! I'm just so grateful to have been able to be in the atmosphere of true passion and motivation. Thank you so much, Brandon, for inviting me out and trusting me to help bring your vision to life.

I feel like I've said that 1,000 times by now... I mean it though! Lol!


Adriane + Caldwell


Senior Portraits for Stephanie