The 5 Types of Social Media Content You Should Be Posting

Let’s be crystal clear for a second, as entrepreneurs/business owners/creatives we’re not JUST on social media to mindlessly scroll (but let’s be honest for a second, it happens… I swear TikTok before bed is the reason I don’t get enough sleep 🥴). Anyway, we’re on social media to share and connect with our audience with the goal of growing our businesses. Period.

Let me ask you this, on a scale of 1-10, how do you think your current posts are performing when it comes to grabbing your audience’s attention/getting them to engage? It’s okay to be brutally honest here.

The struggle is real.

When it comes to growth on social media, engagement is the key to not only connect with your audience but to also increase your sales by turning your followers into customers. Also, the more engagement you get, the better your chances are with growing your following which means even more sales. You want to get your followers talking back to you.

Also, it just feels good when people respond. It keeps us motivated!

So, I’m sharing 5 posts ideas that encourage engagement.

This may sound like common sense, but I can’t count how many business social platforms that I’ve come across and I’m left wondering who owns the business. Take a moment to introduce yourself, share what you do and what makes you passionate about what you do. This is powerful! People want to see who’s behind the brand and they want to know your WHY!

It’s proven that people are more willing to work with businesses that they feel they can KNOW and TRUST. To be honest, it wasn’t until I started to share who I was that I started garnering a real and AUTHENTIC following.

This goes hand in hand with the first point. Whether it be something funny that happened on the way to pick up new supplies for the office, what you had for lunch on the way to your photoshoot, a story that caused a shift or change in your perception or mindset, or a small business win… SHARE IT!

These posts can be funny and inspirational and again, it makes your followers feel like they KNOW who you are. These posts spark conversations whether it’s just a few laughing emojis, a congratulations, a thank you, or feedback — that engagement makes a huge difference. The goal here is to make your followers feel like friends and not fans.

Social media is supposed to be… SOCIAL! Give your followers an easy way to interact by asking their opinions on what they think of your outfit for a photoshoot, what color earrings they’d like to see in your next launch, what they like to do for date nights, etc. This is helpful in several ways: it could give you clarity on a real question you have, it could give insight about what direction to move your business and it helps to boost engagement on your posts!

Make it easy for them and you. The easiest way is to just ASK!

One surefire way to get your following engaged with what you offer is to take them behind-the-scenes or share sneak peek photos. This gets them invested in you because they feel as though they’re a part of the process.

Example: I’ve been watching BET Presents: The Encore this summer (if you haven’t checked it out… definitely do so if you love R&B music). On the show, the producers placed members of former R&B girl groups in a house to make an album and put together a performance in 30 days. They released the album today and as I was listening, I was in tears. I was so invested in them because I feel like I went through the process with them just watching what they’ve put into creating the music.

This makes your followers excited when it’s time for your launch! They’re more willing to share and engage because they’ve been able to see the process because you’ve shared your journey.

In my personal opinion, one of the best ways to get your following to engage is by providing value in your posts. Simply teach them. You’re more than qualified.

One of my most popular videos on YouTube is my Style Tips for Bigger Guys. I attribute this video to the success of my channel because my subscribers were able to learn from the information I shared.

It can be as simple as sharing your answers to a frequently asked question, a how-to video, quick tips, your skin care routine or just product recommendations. Your following will absolutely love and respond to these posts.


So, there you have it: 5 social media posts that allow you get more engagement!

On your next branding shoot (if you haven’t had one already then… shame on you! 😂) consider these types of content as you’re creating your shot list! If you’d like, I would absolutely love to help you with this! Drop a line. Let’s chat!

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