How To Create Content That Your Audience Loves

I’ve been singing the praises of content marketing well before I decided to go to school for Digital Marketing. That reminds me, I’M OFFICIALLY DONE! Sorry, I’m just excited! Anywho…

Like I said, for years I’ve been telling all of my friends who are taking on the venture of starting a business that they should, at the very least, start a blog. Not only is it great for organic local search because it builds SEO when done right, but it’s also great for establishing yourself as an expert in your field AND building your influence. Whenever I say that, I get a look of overwhelm and the same question every time.

“How do I come up with what to post? How do I create content that they’ll love?”

It’s super simple, I swear. There’s only three steps… you ready?

Well… the first unspoken rule is to KNOW YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE that way you know exactly how to communicate. Don’t worry, I’ll post more on that later.

Get out of your head and just do it! You’re never going to to know what your audience likes if you don’t ever create anything. Set aside 30 minutes and think about the questions you’re asked the most, maybe ask for topic ideas on your Instagram story, share a bit from your personal life, share some behind the scenes. The options are literally endless. Just start jotting down a list of ideas and BOOM… there it is!

The great thing about this method is that these first ideas can be broken down into small topics and repurposed in smaller bite-sized pieces for social media. Once you have your list, start writing. That’s literally it.

Once you have your ideas laid out… do the unthinkable and put it out! 😂 Maybe include a short video tutorial in the blog post, ask a questions and make it interactive. Always be on the lookout for any feedback that you get. Look at what content is getting the most engagement (comments, likes, shares, etc.) and make more of that type of content OR dive deeper into the topic! You’ve found your bread and butter. Now you know what to create more of in the future.

Once I create the content and test it out, I start the whole she-bang all over again. I think of new blog post ideas (or go back to my list of initial ideas), create the content based on how my audience responded and test it out again.

If there’s a piece of content that didn’t perform as well, I simply look at how it’s different from my other content that performed better. At that point, I find a way to update the post to make it more engaging and try it again… but I never delete a post! You never know, it just may get its flowers one day!

When you go through these steps, it eliminates the guess work in figuring out what your audience wants to see. You have the proven results right in front of you. You’ll be producing content that serves them as well as boost your local SEO to establish yourself as an expert which will lead your audience to know, like and trust you.

Pro-tip: Having your very own library of branded stock photos adds a personalized visual element that will spark inspiration for your content as well as take it to the next level. Interested in booking a branding session, drop me a note. I’d love to chat with you!


Headshots for Dr. Gupta


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