Sizzling Senior Portraits: Why Summer is The Ideal time For Senior Pictures

Summer time brings on an intense feeling of nostalgia for me. Growing up, I remember how the last couple of weeks of school brought excitement because it meant summer break was coming. I even remember staring at the clock in 4th period on the last day of school waiting for the bell to ring to signal that we’ve finally made it. I made that sound like something out of a Disney movie… I’m sure you did the same.

I was excited for Summer for many reasons — it meant a few months out of school, warm days sitting pool side, mango and watermelon season was here, spending most days outside with my friends and most importantly my birthday falls during the summer. I remember being especially excited for the summer following Junior year because that meant when August rolled around, I would be a Senior. I knew that a few short weeks after school ended, I’d be taking my own senior pictures. TAKE ME BACK!

It seems things have changed since I was a senior… and don’t try it, it wasn’t THAT long ago.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that quite a few of my seniors decide to wait until the Spring semester of senior year for their photos, and while that’s an option, the summer BEFORE senior year is the absolute best time to book your shoot and here are my top reasons why.

If your school allows for you to submit photos for the yearbook, they usually request them during the Fall semester so that they can begin designing. Having your portraits done before the start of the year leaves one less thing to worry about when the school year starts. Your photo not being included should not be one.

Mother Nature knew exactly what she was doing when she allowed for longer days in the summer. I love it here! Longer days mean more hours where we can shoot and tons of beautiful and warm toned natural light, especially in the evenings during golden hour when it’s cooler out, versus shooting mid day when the temperatures are at their highest. You’re going to look your absolutely best under this perfect light. If you work later in the afternoons or you’re busy with family and friends during the day, this is a win/win.

Plus, there are a plethora of natural backdrops to incorporate during the summer months. Lush greenery, vibrant landscapes and beautiful warm reflections can add a touch of AMAZING to your portraits.

If you’re involved in any sports, clubs or extra-curricular activities, it’s much harder to coordinate times with your photographer during the school year. Typically summer months are free from practices, meetings and various events. This means that you can easily capture your senior pictures at a time that works best for you and your loved ones/friends. Which brings me to my next point.

Summer is the perfect time to explore opportunities to incorporate fun and creative seasonal themes into your senior pictures. I’m talking a trip to the beach, incorporating balloons, ice cream, sunglasses in a way that can infuse your personality into the photos. Also, because most of your family and friends are already on summer break or vacation, it’s the perfect time to be able to bring someone along on the shoot with you to keep those good vibes going… even though, I do a pretty good job of that myself. 😉

My last point here, it the perfect time to capture the excitement as you’re looking forward to your last year in high school. You’ve worked so very hard the last 12 years and this moment should be documented in a way that showcases that.

Senior year is a busy time. From the time that classes start in the Fall you’re worried about meeting college application deadlines, finding your outfit for Homecoming, preparing for track meets and football games, all the way into the Spring where you’re preparing to go to prom and preparing for Spring sports. Getting your senior portraits done before the year starts ensures that you’re not having to split your time between your obligations and hitting your parent’s wallets too hard all at one time.

For these reasons, summer reigns supreme in my opinion. The summer season is a time of warmth, vibrancy, and endless possibilities—a perfect backdrop for capturing the essence of your senior year in timeless portraits. However, keep in mind the ABSOLUTE best season for your senior portraits is whatever season works best for you. This season is about you, you’ve worked so hard.

Let your senior portraits shine as a testament to your accomplishments, growth, and the exciting chapter that lies ahead. Embrace the magic of summer (or whatever season), and let your senior pictures become a timeless keepsake that captures the essence of your journey and celebrates the remarkable individual you have become. You did it!

If you’re ready to book your Senior Portrait session, let’s chat! I would love to capture this exciting moment. check out my Investment Guide to view all of my Collections.


Senior The Style Guide

This time in your life is truly one of a kind but preparing for Senior Portraits can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you've never had professional pictures taking before. For that reason alone, I've put together this Senior Portrait Style Guide to give you everything you need to know about OWNING your portrait session. Use the form below to have it delivered directly to your inbox!



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