Family Photos For Shanda | Raleigh NC Family Photography

She’s a mom, a licensed therapist, a business owner, a nurse — but most importantly, to me, she’s an absolute powerhouse. Shanda has been through some tough times lately, navigating the ups and downs of life with unwavering grace and strength. But through it all, she remains a beacon of light and hope, showing everyone around her what it means to keep going, no matter what. I admire that about her.

family photos raleigh nc mom with 3 younger children raleigh nc family photos yes to the address photos

Shanda reached out to me because she had this vision of the perfect posed holiday portrait with her three adorable kiddos — Cici, Zan the man, and Cami! Additionally, she recently purchased a new home so she wanted some “Said Yes To The Address” photos. I was instantly sold and so excited for my friend.

We both were excited and brought all of our ideas to shoot, but as we all know, life doesn’t always go according to plan. With three energetic kiddos in the mix, our shoot took on a life of it’s own. Poses were forgotten, giggles filled the air, and chaos reigned supreme. And you know what?

It was absolutely beautiful.

In the midst of mayhem, we captured something truly special — the essence of Shanda’s family in all its imperfect perfection. Silly smiles and pure, unfiltered joy — it was a snapshot of real life, and it was breathtaking.

As I looked through the photos later, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to witness my friend’s strength and resilience in action. This photoshoot wasn’t just about capturing memories — it was a celebration of her journey, her courage, and the beautiful chaos of family life.

So here’s to you, Shanda — a true inspiration and a shining example of strength and love. Thank you for letting me be a part of your story, and thank you for showing us all what it means to embrace life with open arms and a full heart.

May your journey be filled with love, laughter, and endless blessings. Here’s to many more magical moments ahead!

After a full day of work, makeup, and wrangling three kiddos for a photoshoot, it was only fitting to end the shoot with a glass of Rosé. 😂


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